Sunday, May 5, 2013

                                                                       Affirmative Action

Jahmari Erkerd
            Affirmative Action in any shape or form is wrong. Pojman’s idea of individuals rights being color blind is right. We don’t need to payback the injustices done to people in the past. People who had nothing to do with something that happened decades ago should not have to pay the price today. This leads to a reverse discrimination mainly against white males. Affirmative Action gives unearned privileges to people of color or women. A question I have is why does it not extend to poor working class people who are white men?

            Some people may agree with Thompson’s point of view that universities can’t impose these policies on their schools, but that some Affirmative Action is okay. If we draw the line with private schools, then why not with public? Why should a white male be treated differently if he has the same qualifications as a person of color or a woman? In all likely hood he is not responsible for past injustices himself. In all likely hood he is not a racist or a person who looks down on women. Even if his past relatives were responsible why should he be held accountable? I understand that society is complex and we do see ourselves as a race or a gender and that it is okay to talk about rights in the abstract but we have social problems we need to address. Color blindness may not even be possible. This could be more about social inequality in general. For this country to function at it’s best, the most qualified person for the job needs to get it.     

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