Monday, May 6, 2013

affirmative action

In regards to affirmative action I believe that it is necessary to provide a nation of equal opportunity. I think affirmative action is moral because it helps regulate the unmoral actions of the job fields. I suppose hirers should have the freedom to hire whomever they feel fit but it isn’t right to refuse someone a job just because of their skin color or ethnicity. I agree with affirmative action

We all deserve to start on a level playing field and let our personal qualifications and experience determine the more qualified. However it can be hard to determine which traits a hirer will carry as more beneficial.  Although times have changed and discrimination against African Americans has decreased, discrimination is still very present among people of all races and ethnicities. People are always going to favor one group over another, especially if they are part of that specific group. Caucasians are more likely to hire Caucasians because they can relate to them. This can be seen among all groups of people. Most people want to stick with people of similar social group because it gives them an automatic sense of trust and bonding with the other person.  Sometimes people are only looking for a specific type of person for their business and don’t want to hire anyone else. For example I applied for a job at a bakery in my town that my friend works at. She told me they only hire girls to work at the store. I thought this was stupid because I can sell cakes just as well as anyone else however I assume the owner has some reason for this discrimination.  If you’re looking for a bathing suit model you’re not going to hire a fat person because no one would by that so it’s not being discriminate towards fat people just because a thinner person would look better. The same example can be applied to other situations as well.

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