Saturday, April 13, 2013

social identity and moral responsibility

People are highly defined by the societies in which they live in. Each society is made of a particular culture or lifestyle and thus helps raise people in a particular manner. The people in a society create culture which intern shapes the way people interact and comprehend the world around them. Different societies may have different sets of rules and or regulations. Although our society may play a major role in the way one lives each of us are created with individuality. The ability to think differently and make decisions for oneself. People define themselves on a lower scale than the way society does. One way feel differently or stand out but many try to fit in and hand along with trends in which society has set. 

One example about myself that has resulted from my social environment would be that I like jamaican music. This resulted from my social environment because for years I have been surrounded by people who like it which then rubbed off on me. I went from knowing a few songs to having hours long playlist on my iPhone. Without hearing it from people in my surroundings Jamaican music would have been just a random genre to me.

One example that has resulted from my own choice or creativity would be my style. Although there are many tends that are going around in the fashion world if I don't like the style I won't wear it. I don't try and copy what is so called in. I wear what I like because it suits me.

I think that I like Jamaican music because my cousins who i listen to it with are fully jamaican. They bring out the culture in me and they even brought me to Jamaica with them. A large about is determined by society. Society breaks different locations up and choses what ethnicity goes where. The formation of culture has given Jamaica a specific type of music which i tend to enjoy.  

My style is largely determined by me. Therefor a great amount of me is determined by this. It shows and expresses who i am to the world. Presentation is key and tells a lot about a person. 

I feel that ones social identity does increase our responsibility for another person. Anyone that you consider yourself close with your responsibility should be at its highest point. whether that person is your family, a friend from school, or a teammate if that bond is there then so should the responsibility.  Ones social responsibility should be defined by any types of genre such as oh thats "family" or i went to camp with him. because family could be misleading, at the end of the day our family in which we are born into is just a case of moral luck because one cannot choose the family that they are born into. That is something they just must live with. 

 If another person was there for you when you needed it i feel that it is morally right to be there for them. They cared enough to be there and helped when you were low then returning the favor should be the automatic thought. It should be willing. People automatically help out people in whom they are familiar with which happen to be ones they are close with. 

I feel that just because one is in the same socially identified group with another human they should not have to be obligated to be morally responsible for that person especially as a child where your parents choose groups for you such as sports teams, music groups, social clubs. These clubs are temporally and you aren't close to them so oene should not be responsible for a common quality that they scare.  

    1 comment:

    1. Kathleen, you make many statements that are true and on point about social identity not completely changing us. The only thing I would correct is some of the words are misspelled.
