Saturday, March 16, 2013

Moral Luck
            Moral Luck is the concept of questioning if external conditions outside one’s control increase or decrease blame or praise. In my family on my father’s side is a history of mental illness. Most of my father’s brothers and sisters have this condition. When I was a teenager, I was also diagnosed with a mental illness. The question could be asked, can you blame me if I do not finish college because I come from a background of mental illness that makes it hard for some to finish school. You could say it was just the bad hand in life I was dealt with.
            I do not see moral luck as an ethical problem or much of a problem at all. People should be praised for doing something good no matter if they were given the opportunities to do it. People who are born with a certain talent still have to develop that talent or they will be very average at it. The truth is that people will always get praise for doing something good even if all the cards a set up right for them. The truth is also that people will receive blame for things when maybe they were just born into a bad situation and did not have any control over it. So both will happen and have always happened whether we see it as a problem or not. I personally feel it is best to focus on the good and if some does well no matter what the circumstance is he should receive praise. I feel any type of blame can be subjective


  1. I agree with your view on moral luck as not a real issue. that it is real but shouldnt have an impact because it cant be controlled. Good arguments saying that people cant just coast through life and expect moral luck to go in their favor. That people still need to work to improve themselves. You bring up the idea of talent. It can be argued that maybe moral luck gave them that talent. Your arguments could use a little work. I feel there a little general or dont have enouph detail. Like the one about being born into the bad situation it was just a little confusing, I wasnt sure of where you were taking the thought. It was overall good but maybe strengthen or organize the arguments more.

  2. I think you make some very good points, however I think your argument would have been that much stronger had you references constitutive luck. If you had gone into further detail to explain constitutive luck as the traits and dispositions on has, whether that be your genes that predispose to you a mental illness or a result of your environment, I think your argument would been that much better.

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