Saturday, March 16, 2013

Out of Your Control: Moral Luck

            Moral luck is something that is out of one’s control and changes how things happen. It also describes that there is no reason to praise or blame a person because it was just chance that things happened the way that they did.
            A personal experience that I have with moral luck is asthma. I was diagnosed with it at age three. It is just moral luck that I have it. There are no reasons that lead to my asthma. I am not responsible for my asthma but I have to deal with the consequences with have asthma. It is something that is out of my control and is not serious ethical problem. Yes it was out of my control but there is nothing that can be done about it.  I just have to deal with the consequences even though they are unfair.
            Moral luck is not a serious ethical problem because as humans we have adapted to it and its outcomes. It is something that is just dealt with. Things may happen that were out of your control and you are held responsible. We have come to accept that it is a problem but we also accept the consequences. For an example of this parents are responsible for the actions of the child. When the child damages something the parents ware called and are held responsible to pay for replacing it. It may not seem fair that the child damaged something but the parents have to pay for it. In our society we have come to adapt to this response and the parents have to pay for it. The parents in this case might also punish the child but ultimately the parents are held responsible. If the situation was different and the child had won a spelling bee the parents would be congratulated for this action, which was not in their control.
            Moral luck may be something that is out of your control and you may be responsible for the outcome. If the outcome is good or bad you are held responsible. Moral luck may be somewhat of an ethical problem but it has been accepted. It may be unfair in some situations but there is no use arguing it just has to be dealt with. 


  1. Amanda,

    It is my job to comment on the post that preceeds mine, and I must point out some type of flaw. Unfortuately I cannot find not a single flaw with your argument nor can I find any false claims. I only seen three grammatical errors, but we are not being graded on that. I agree with your post all the way.

  2. I am confused. I thought your post [pre]ceded mine. But anyway.
    Well elaborated body. But I feel as if this example is a little ambiguous, we can go deeper and touch the subject of genetics. I believe asthma is hereditary. And if we dig deeper, we can make even more controversial arguments regarding kinship.
    As for your conclusion. I don't see you taking a big stance into either one of the arguments. But you come up with a kind of compromise between the stances.
