Saturday, March 2, 2013

Romance and Disclosure                              Tonishia Signore
                                                                                                Mike Tully
                                                                                                Taylor Chaturvedi
1a) In certain instances there is a difference between disclosure in a “fling” and disclosure in something that’s expected to be long term. 1b) However certain major life style facts should always be disclosed.

- In example of the first statement (1a); it’s not important to discuss your job/ career or salary in instances of a “fling”. However you would want to disclose these facts in something which is intended to be long term.

- In example of the second statement (1b); in all circumstances it should be disclosed whether or not you are married or engaged.

2) In further discussion of the theory:
 a) There are certain things which should always be disclosed, these are categorized as; something which could physically, mentally, or emotionally cause any kind of harm to the other person, or yourself.  (I.e. STD’s/STI’s)
b) There are certain things which should be disclosed in a long term relationships, but that do not play a role in a “fling”. These are categorized as; something that does not need to be shared in a “fling” because it will make no difference, causes no harm, nor effects any relations in a “fling”. (I.e. a person’s political views or their relationship with their family)
c) There are certain things which are not required to be discussed in either kind of relationship which would be defined by; Any personal events which happened in the past and are traumatizing to the extent that it would cause some sort of harm to bring the events to light. (This harm can be physical, emotional, or mental)


  1. The discussion about disclosure was pretty clear as when to discuss things and not to. However the definition of a fling and long term should have been discussed because it is not always clear what the difference it. Also what are some things that only need to be disclosed in certain circumstances.

  2. A lot of good points for all sides of the question. I had not thought about the job and salary as something to disclose or not but i definately understand now. I agree it should only be neccesary in long term. Another interesting point was the tramatizing events and how that may be something that the person doesnt have to reveal even in a long term or short term. Good point.

  3. I agree with your point for 1a, if you are just having a casual fling there is no need to talk about how much you make or what type of job you have, this information should only be told to your partner if you are in a long term relationship. I also didn't think of past traumatizing events as something to be disclosed or not, it's a great point and I agree that it is up to the person wether or not they want to discuss this event with their partner.

  4. I agree with your point that personal matters do not need to be discussed with a casual fling. I also agree that information about STD should always be disclosed. I disagree a little bit with the last paragraph, I think that for a relationship that is very serious like marriage all things should be disclosed.

  5. I agree with your point that personal matters do not need to be discussed with a casual fling. I also agree that information about STD should always be disclosed. I disagree a little bit with the last paragraph, I think that for a relationship that is very serious like marriage all things should be disclosed.

  6. Although I agree with this blog almost entirely I want to touch upon some things.

    The organization of this post is a bit confusing. I find that 2a should be mentioned in 1b and that 2b should be mentioned in 1a. This way the arguments are synced and flows easily. When you bring a new number in it seems as if you will also be bringing in an entirely new topic.

    I also do believe that it is important to share everything about you with the person that you are going to marry, this way the person with the issues will not harm themselves (on your knowledge of these events), but also that they will not harm anyone else. Maybe you can help.

    In sum, I think this post would've been more substantial if there was some comparison to an ethical background.

  7. i agree with the fact that there is a difference between disclosure in a fling and disclosure in a long term relationship. But i feel that ones life style facts isn't something that always needs to be exposed. If you are having a "fling" with someone they don't need to know your lifestyle or how you are living. The point of a fling is momentary, a spur of the moment type of situation so facts on your life style would be pointless to tell them to me.

    I do agree that you need to tell your life style and everything else to someone you plan on being with and or going marry.

  8. I agree with most of what you said. However, the last paragraph was a little too general. It would have been helpful to clarify what you meant with some examples.
