In Class we learned that Kant believed
that good or bad luck should influence neither our moral judgment of a person
and their actions. Moral luck is whether an individual should be acknowledged
or punished due to external conditions outside of their control. We have no
control over situations at all when moral luck comes into play. The concept of
moral luck is that should one be accountable for their actions due to things
beyond ones control or surroundings. If an action is right or wrong can the
failed action or successful action be considered good or bad.
I really can't really illustrate it with an example from your own life, but I'll use examples from class where Rex was talking about is it right and justifiable that
luck makes a difference in our moral and legal judgments? The
difference between murder and attempted murder can merely be the luck of the
situation.Like the skill of the murderer and other factors that seem to be
morally irrelevant, but the two actions are viewed quite differently by some people. Ethically and legally, as evidenced by the court system punishing
murder and attempted murder to a vastly different extent. Another example of moral and legal disparity between accidentally killing a pedestrian while
driving drunk, and narrowly avoiding a pedestrian while driving drunk. In
either example, what justifies us in assessing and punishing those who are
unlucky far more severely than those who are lucky. The problem of moral luck is we seem to be committed to the general principle that we are morally
assessable only to the extent that what we are assessed for depends on factors
under our control.
I think moral luck is a serious ethical problem because some people are born into it, live within, and experience circumstances that occur and seem
to change their morality when all other factors remain the same.For example, a poor man is born into a poor family and has no other way to
feed himself or his family so he steals food from another person. Who was born into a very wealthy
family, it does very little to them, because they have enough food and does not need to steal to get
it.So should the poor person be more moral and blame the rich person for being born wealthy and he wasn't ? It just goes to show that it is not his fault that he was born into such poor circumstances, but a
matter of luck.
I completely see your point of view that the people are born into an ascribed status and sometimes that outcome of their life is based on being born into a poor family. However as human beings we are inclined to make choices and to have the self will to want to achieve goals and survive. It is unfortunate that some people have to fight harder than others because their family was poor prior to being born . I wouldn't call this moral luck just simply life.